Academy Foundation Blog

Lindsay Green, MPH - 2022 Mead Johnson Nutrition Scholarship Recipient

Lindsay Green

Lindsay Green, MPH

2022 Mead Johnson Nutrition Scholarship

Completing a Dietetic Internship at University of Michigan

“The generosity of the Foundation through their scholarship program has made my dietetic internship program significantly less stressful. They've helped to remove some of the cost of tuition for my program and I am incredibly grateful for that. In doing this, it lifts some of the financial load that future RDs can feel coming into this field -- at this time in my professional journey (and for many others), I know my energy is best spent learning, reflecting, and asking questions. It's much easier to do this with less financial burden. Overall, this scholarship gives me the opportunity to worry less and focus more on creating the best learning experience for myself. I can spend my time and energy preparing for rotations and allowing more mental space to think deeper about what I learn from each rotation!

How did you learn about the availability of the Foundation scholarship that you received?

I learned about Foundation scholarships through my Masters program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Our Didactic Program Director would send out job and scholarship opportunities often, which was super helpful.

What motivated you to apply for a Foundation Scholarship?

I was motivated to apply by a number of people including myself, colleagues, and mentors. Both of my mentors who wrote letters of recommendations for this scholarship were supportive, encouraging me that I would be a great candidate. I was motivated by myself because of the financial hardship I have gone through and continuing to find ways to continue to afford my education.

How will the scholarship funds help support your continued success within your educational program?

This scholarship will allow me to spend my energy working hard and learning as much as I can during my internship year. With less financial stress, I believe this will further support my ability to have good mental and physical health, increasing my capacity to study and immerse myself in the internship experience.

What advice do you have for your colleagues about seeking out and applying for Foundation funding opportunities?

Don't be afraid to apply! It's worth the work and you might be surprised at what you're capable of. If you're like me and your mentors believe in you and support you, remember to believe in yourself and put in a little extra time for cool funding opportunities. Check the Academy Foundation website for opportunities once a month and pay attention to deadlines.

Scholarship and Award Application and Timeline Information

All applications and timelines for Foundation funding opportunities are made available electronically within the Foundation’s application portal. Generally, the scholarship applications are available from mid- February to mid-April, most award and grant applications are available from December to February, and fellowship opportunities are posted as they become available.

To ensure you receive all of our Foundation news and announcements, including scholarship, award and grant announcements, subscribe to our Foundation’s weekly Kids Eat Right Monday Message and Foundation News.

With Your Help, We Can Do Even More

Our Foundation is the only charitable organization dedicated exclusively to supporting nutrition and dietetics professionals by empowering them to help consumers live healthier lifestyles. Our Foundation does not receive any portion of member dues and is funded solely by donations. Please consider making a gift today to support our Make It a Million Scholarship Campaign that will help us to award one million dollars in scholarships annually to Academy members, students and dietetic interns at all levels of study.

