Kids Eat Right

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation is committed to promoting a healthy today and tomorrow for our children. Public education through foundation, community and corporate partners is the first step.

The Kids Eat Right campaign was launched to support public education projects and programs that address the national health concern of obesity among our children.

Additional Kids Eat Right Websites

  • For Parents: Part of, the Kids Eat Right section has healthy eating tips and news for kids of every age.
  • For Professionals: Downloadable toolkits with PowerPoint presentations, leader notes and handouts are available for professionals. Free educational webinars are also available.


If you would like to subscribe to the Kids Eat Right Monday Message, sign up here.



A visual summarization of the Kids Eat Right campaign, including its purpose, resources and major accomplishments. View the infographic.

Research on U.S. Family Nutrition and Physical Activity

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation has twice fielded a survey to investigate current beliefs and habits among U.S. families and children surrounding nutrition and physical activity. The State of Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Report reveals the current realities of kids’ and families’ eating and activity behaviors in the US and is based on a survey conducted in February 2010.

Online Screening Tool

The Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Online Screening Tool is a tool developed as a result of an ongoing research partnership of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and its Foundation with Iowa State University. The instrument includes items that evaluate family policies and environments that influence children’s physical activity, diet and sedentary behavior and can predict potential adverse changes in a child’s risk for overweight.

Kids Eat Right Programs

Meet the Challenge!

Four Kids Eat Right Campaign Members in Iowa are serving as RD Coaches for the Meet the Challenge! project. Meet the Challenge! is a collaborative project between the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and the Iowa Department of Education with funding from an Iowa Department of Education Team Nutrition grant and an educational grant from the Wellmark Foundation. The RD Coaches are assisting nearly 70 schools in Iowa to meet the Healthier US School Challenge (HUSSC) criteria and to apply for an award. Learn about Meet the Challenge!

Guide for Effective Nutrition Interventions and Education

The online resource provides an evidence-based checklist that allows users to design, modify or compare nutrition education program quality indicators. Learn about GENIE.

Related Links

Healthy Children Website
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ consumer oriented website, is the only parenting website backed by 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.


Kids Eat Right

Learn about the many resources available to Academy members through Kids Eat Right and how you can get involved. Understand how Kids Eat Right toolkits are developed and take a closer look at each of the toolkits and other free resources.

View the webinar


Using Social Media with Kids Eat Right

Learn how to effectively use social media to promote Kids Eat Right messages. Kids Eat Right spokesperson, Kristi King, MPH, RDN, CNSC, LD, will introduce the various Kids Eat Right social media platforms and provide specific suggestions to engage in each of them. Kids Eat Right members of all social media skill levels will especially appreciate her five hot tips!

View the webinar


This webinar was made possible through a gift to the Academy Foundation from Diane Heller.

Motivating Consumers with Messages that Make Sense to Them

The webinar provides results of a study on consumer messages reflective of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and how RDs can incorporate the findings to help parents and families achieve healthy, active lifestyles.

View the webinar


Under guidelines from the Commission on Dietetic Registration, this program is not eligible for continuing education credit under the individual self-study designation. This recording content is offered for informational purposes only.


Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids Toolkit (NEW!)

Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, convened an expert panel of representatives from key national health and nutrition organizations (including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) to develop a consensus statement and technical report on what young children ages 0 - 5 years old should be drinking as part of a healthy diet. These recommendations are now included in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Pediatric Nutrition Care Manual. This toolkit contains resources for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) and Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, Registered (NDTR) to learn about and implement the expert panel recommendations in patient and client settings. Information is also included about environmental and policy initiatives to improve public health. 4.0 CPEUs are available for free as part of this toolkit.

FREE CPEU Webinars for RDNs and NDTRs

Educational Resources and Tools for Nutrition Professionals (RDNs and NDTRs)

Client and Patient Educational Resources

The Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids toolkit was developed and supported by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Family Champions. One Change at a Time.

The Family Champions toolkit includes three 45-minute cooking workshops for parents. Each workshop weaves in several key messages of the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity survey developed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and Iowa State University. The toolkit also contains a “10 No-Recipe Entrée” handout and five handouts for parents that focus on five key areas: Shop Smart, Cook Healthy, Eat Right, Rest Well and Play Hard.

The toolkit is also available in Spanish.

The Family Champions. One Change at a Time. toolkit was made possible by an educational grant from General Mills. Members of the Food and Culinary, and Nutrition Education for the Public Dietetic Practice Groups participated in the development of the toolkit.

Family Meals. Anytime. Anyplace.

The Family Meals. Anytime. Anyplace. toolkit consists of ready-made presentations, activities and handouts for two different audiences: parents and teens. The toolkit contains two PowerPoint presentations with leader notes, handouts and an optional activity.



The Family Meals toolkit was made available by an educational grant from the Alliance for Potato Research and Education. Members from the Food & Culinary Professionals and Dietitians in Business and Communications Dietetic Practice Groups, and the Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group participated in the development of the toolkit.

Healthy Breakfast Everywhere You Go

The Kids Eat Right toolkit promoting healthy breakfasts is available to all Campaign Members! The Healthy Breakfast. Everywhere You Go Toolkit consists of ready-made presentations, activities and handouts for four different audiences.

Elementary Students

This presentation includes a 20-minute outline and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers the importance of eating healthy breakfasts at home and/or school. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Middle School Students

This presentation includes a 20-minute outline and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers the importance of eating healthy breakfasts at home and/or school. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

High School Students

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers the importance of eating healthy breakfasts at home and/or school. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

School/Community Stakeholders

Included are a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation promotes healthy breakfasts for all students—at home as well as school breakfast and breakfast in the classroom. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

The Healthy Breakfast. Everywhere You Go toolkit was made available by an educational grant from Academy Premier Sponsor, The Kellogg Company. Members from the Pediatric, Weight Management, School Nutrition Services and Food and Culinary Professionals Dietetic Practice Groups participated in the development of the toolkit.

Healthy Eating From the Ground Up

The Kids Eat Right Healthy Eating. From the Ground Up. toolkit contains presentations for three different audiences — parents, teens and elementary students. Each presentation consists of a ready-made PowerPoint presentation with leader notes, an activity and a handout.



Elementary School Students

The Kids Eat Right "Healthy Eating. From the Ground Up." toolkit was created in partnership with the Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) DPG. The toolkit was made possible by an educational grant from Kelloggs.

Healthy Schools. It's a Team Effort

The Kids Eat Right Healthy Eating. From the Ground Up. toolkit contains presentations for three different audiences — parents, teens and elementary students. Each presentation consists of a ready-made PowerPoint presentation with leader notes, an activity and a handout.



Elementary School Students

The Kids Eat Right "Healthy Eating. From the Ground Up." toolkit was created in partnership with the Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) DPG. The toolkit was made possible by an educational grant from Kelloggs.

Healthy Snacking in a Nutshell

This Kids Eat Right toolkit promoting healthy snacking is available to all Campaign Members! The “Healthy Snacking. In a Nutshell Toolkit” consists of ready-made presentations, activities and handouts for ten different audiences.

Adults (General)

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers the benefits of nuts, including pistachios and other healthy snacks for home and away from home. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Adults (Athletes)

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers snacks for optimally fueling performance, including nuts, such as pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.


This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation explains how nuts, such as pistachios, are excellent ways to keep your athletes full of energy and nutrients. Also discover how snacks can give you the competitive edge. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Elementary School Students

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. Also included in this toolkit is a class outline in a pdf file, in the event that PowerPoint is not an option at the Elementary School. The presentation covers smart snacking for kids and their families. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.


This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers kid-friendly snacks, including nuts, such as pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

School-Parent Groups

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation promotes advocacy for healthy snack policies and healthy snacks for kids at parties, concessions, or after school. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Teachers and School Food Service Staff

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers healthy snacks for kids for parties, concessions, and after school, including nuts, such as pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Teen (Athletes)

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers snacks for fueling performance, including nuts, such as pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

Teen (General)

This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers healthy snacks that keep teens fit and energized, including nuts, such as pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.


This presentation includes a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with notes pages and an optional 10-minute activity. The presentation covers healthy snacks for employees, packing snacks to avoid mid-afternoon slump and the benefit of nuts, including pistachios. An optional handout to copy is included in the toolkit.

The Healthy Snacking Toolkit was made available by an educational grant from American Pistachio Growers. Members from the Food and Culinary Professionals, School Nutrition, and Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition Dietetic Practice Groups participated in the development of the toolkit.

Hunger in Our Community. What We Can Do.

The Kids Eat Right Hunger in Our Community. What We Can Do toolkit contains two presentations — one for adults (Hungry and Overweight: How is it Possible?) and one for teens (Rage against Rumbles: Student-led Actions to End Hunger in Our Community. Each presentation consists of a ready-made PowerPoint presentation with leader notes, an activity and a handout. All Kids Eat Right Campaign Members can access, download and use this new toolkit.



Read about the Hungry and Overweight Paradox (with infographic) or download the "Nourish to Flourish" infographic.

The Hunger in Our Community toolkit is part of the Future of Food partnership of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Feeding America and the National Dairy Council. The toolkit was created in partnership with Feeding America and the Hunger and Environmental Nutrition DPG. The toolkit was made possible by an educational grant from the National Dairy Council.

MyPlate. How Do I Rate?

There are two presentations for Health Professionals (one for Health Professionals of 2-5 year olds and one for Health Professionals of 1st-5th graders), equipping health professionals to help parents become familiar with MyPlate and how to teach MyPlate to parents using practical suggestions. Ideas for health professional audience include WIC paraprofessionals, Head Start parent liaisons, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, health department nurses, medical or nursing students, etc.

The toolkit also contains four presentations for Parents (one for parents of 2-5 year olds and one for parents of 1st-5th graders—both available in English and Spanish), to help parents understand the importance of each food group and provide them with relevant tips to help children consume the right amounts of all food groups. Tip: Ideas for parent audience include WIC parents, Head Start parents, PTA parents, etc.

Health Professionals of Children 2-5 years old

Health Professionals of Children in 1st-5th Grades

MyPlate. How Do I Rate? for Parents of 2-5 year olds (English)

MyPlate. How Do I Rate? for Parents of 2-5 year olds (Spanish)

Parents of 1st-5th graders (English)

Parents of 1st-5th graders (Spanish)

This MyPlate. How Do I Rate? toolkit was developed with content experts from the Public Health/Community Nutrition DPG and was made possible through an educational grant from Dannon.

Myth Busters

The Myth Busters toolkit focuses on five common myths about healthy eating and activity and ways to bust those myths so that parents have the knowledge and strategies to promote healthy eating and physical activity for their children. The toolkit consists of a ready-made presentation with leader notes, an activity and a handout for parents.

The Myth Busters toolkit was created with content expert assistance from the Sports, Cardiovascular, Wellness and Nutrition DPG and the toolkit was made possible through a grant from PepsiCo.

Tip Sheets