Academy Foundation Blog

Citlaly A. Aispuro - 2022 LaCroix Sparkling Water Scholarship Recipient


Citlaly A. Aispuro

2022 LaCroix Sparkling Water Scholarship

Completing a Didactic Program in Dietetics at Arizona State University

“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and to LaCroix Sparkling Water for the financial assistance and for believing in the future of nutrition! As a first-generation college student and returning to school after a decade of real-life experience to follow my true passion, pursuing my undergraduate degree has been nothing short of challenges and setbacks. Although I’ve faced many obstacles thus far, dropping out has never been an option and receiving this scholarship has motivated me to apply for more scholarships as I continue to further my education and pursue my graduate degree. This scholarship will help me in achieving my educational goals by clearing my schedule from work to get real life experience in sports dietetics and invest my time on having a successful semester. I am eternally thankful for alleviating a lot of the financial stress as I fully submerge myself into the college experience!”

How did you learn about the availability of the Foundation scholarship that you received?

I learned about the availability of the Foundation scholarship that I received through being a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. I was first made aware of the scholarship during my initial enrollment, but it wasn't until I received an email from the Academy as a reminder to apply for it. As a student, I decided to join the group during my junior year because I understood the value of connecting with other professionals in the field and the impact it would make in my professional development. As the primary resource for professionals in the field of dietetics I wanted to stay informed of the latest news, research, and networking opportunities within the community. Once I had already started the application, I was also made aware of the scholarship and the extension that was made on the deadline by my program director at Arizona State University, Traci Grgich.

What motivated you to apply for a Foundation Scholarship?

Aside from the need of financial assistance to continue my education, what motivated me to apply was the resources offered through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation. There was a recording from the Foundation available to anyone to watch if interested in scholarships. I took the time to watch the video on March 25th, 2022, which gave me a month to prepare since the initial deadline was on April 19th. I paid closed attention on the requirements and after watching the whole video and what it takes to stand out, I was confident that I could be a recipient. I learned that 1 out of 3 students who apply are awarded a scholarship and I remember thinking to myself, “Why not me?” I decided to take my time and submit a strong application by digging deep into my story and sharing it. I knew that with my academic and professional achievements, leadership abilities, future professional potential, financial need, and unique story I would be a strong candidate. What motivated me the most to apply for this specific scholarship is my true passion in the field of nutrition.

How will the scholarship funds help support your continued success within your educational program?

I’ve finally been able to attain my goal of being a full-time student this fall! I’ve been attending school part-time for over five years since I had a full-time job to provide for my daughter and I, and I have been financially preparing to be able to work part-time to become a full-time student. As an aspiring sports dietitian this scholarship will help support my continued success within my educational program by allowing me to focus on my academics and continue getting real life experience by shadowing a dietitian. By alleviating some of the financial concern I will be able to invest my time and energy in building a strong foundation in my future career of dietetics and continue connecting with professionals in the field. This scholarship will help me live my dream of being a full-time student and will pave the way to a successful senior year!

What advice do you have for your colleagues about seeking out and applying for Foundation funding opportunities?

The advice I have for my colleagues who are seeking out and applying for Foundation funding opportunities is to not be intimidated by the amount of time and work it takes to complete the scholarship application. It is wise to do research ahead of time and work on the scholarship application slowly so that it is manageable. Starting the application at least 2 months before the due date has a huge advantage because it gave me the time to reach out to a professor and professional to help me with the recommendation letter without feeling stressed out about the time left until the deadline. It also gives the applicant the time to look for a different person in the event their first choice is not able to complete the letter for them. Something else that helped me that I would advise my colleagues to do is to write down all the different information required and sections of the application to be able to check off as it’s being completed. This helped me by giving me a visual of all I needed to complete, and this is how I was able to create an outline and timeline without the stress of it creeping up on me. Preparing and completing the application with plenty of time gave me the confidence in applying and the opportunity to submit a well-written application.

Scholarship and Award Application and Timeline Information

All applications and timelines for Foundation funding opportunities are made available electronically within the Foundation’s application portal. Generally, the scholarship applications are available from mid- February to mid-April, most award and grant applications are available from December to February, and fellowship opportunities are posted as they become available.

To ensure you receive all of our Foundation news and announcements, including scholarship, award and grant announcements, subscribe to our Foundation’s weekly Kids Eat Right Monday Message and Foundation News.

With Your Help, We Can Do Even More

Our Foundation is the only charitable organization dedicated exclusively to supporting nutrition and dietetics professionals by empowering them to help consumers live healthier lifestyles. Our Foundation does not receive any portion of member dues and is funded solely by donations. Please consider making a gift today to support our Make It a Million Scholarship Campaign that will help us to award one million dollars in scholarships annually to Academy members, students and dietetic interns at all levels of study.

