Amy Joye Memorial Research Award
Funded by friends and family of Amy F. Joye, MS, RD
- Recipient: Nour Hammad, MSc, RDN
Proposal Title: Stakeholder perspectives on obesity prevention in France: A qualitative study
Ann A. Hertzler Memorial Research Grant
Funded by Ann A. Hertzler, PhD, RD
- Recipient: JoAnne L. Whelan, PhD, RDN, LD
Proposal Title: Assessing the Need for Nutrition Education, Counseling, and RDN Staffing Ratios on an Urban College Campus
Colgate Palmolive Fellowship in Nutrition, Oral Health/Dental Education
Funded by the Colgate Palmolive Company
- Recipient: Jillian Kaye, MS, RDN
Proposal Title: Nutrition Education in Pediatric Dentistry Residency Programs
Commission on Dietetic Registration Emerging Researcher Grant
Funded by the Commission on Dietetic Registration
Maria Dinh, MS, RD
Proposal Title: Assessing Relationships Between Dietary Patterns, Inflammatory/Stress Response Systems and Stress Among Graduate/Professional School Students
Luc LaBonte, MS, RD, LD
Proposal Title: Attitudes Towards Nutrition Care Process and Nutrition Care Process Terminology Implementation Among Dietetics Educators, Preceptors, and Students Undergoing Supervised Practice
Jillian Pierson, MS, RDN
Proposal Title: Modulation of carbonyl stress by whole wheat bread consumption: a randomized, crossover, controlled clinical trial.
Kara Stromberg, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE and Jaylin Kellogg, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC
Proposal Title: Comparing Measured Resting Energy Expenditure to Weight-Based Equations for Total Parenteral Nutrition Prescribing in Oncology Patients: A Randomized Trial
Diane Vizthum, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Proposal Title: Time Restricted Eating, Eating Behaviors, and Cardiometabolic Risk in Emerging Adult Women
Commission on Dietetic Registration Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant
Funded by the Commission on Dietetic Registration
Ana Abad-Jorge, Ed.D., MS, RDN, FAND
Proposal Title: Role of Pediatric RDNs in Using the Nutrition Focused Physical Exam: Clinical Practice, Barriers and Training
Amy Ellis, PhD, RDN, LD; Joy Douglas, PhD, RDN, CSG, LD; and Lori Greene, MS, RDN, LD
Proposal Title: The Forklift Program for Dietetic Students: Intergenerational Service Learning with Older Adult Veterans
Danielle King, PhD, RDN
Proposal Title: Examination of Food and Nutrition Security Amongst Food Pantry Clients with Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular Disease in Buffalo, NY: A Mixed Methods Study
Wan Shen, PhD, RDN
Proposal Title: Dietetic Intern-Led Education Program on Early Introduction of Allergenic Foods to Infants: A Pilot Study
Marni E. Shoemaker, PhD, RD
Proposal Title: Student-Led Nutrition and Physical Activity Program to Reduce Sarcopenia and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes
Diabetes DPG Karen Goldstein Memorial Grant for Diabetes MNT Application
Funded by the Diabetes Dietetic Practice Group
Recipient: Patricia Davidson, DCN, RDN, LDN, CDCES, FAND, FADCES
Proposal Title: APP-MNT: App-Enhanced Medical Nutrition Therapy on Glycemic Outcomes and Quality of Life
Jean Hankin Nutritional Epidemiology Research Grant
Funded by Jean Hankin, DrPH, MS, MPH, RetRD
- Recipient: Katherine Y. Kwon, MS, RD, IBCLC
Proposal Title: Associations between duration of exclusive breastfeeding, infant iron status and neurocognition: longitudinal studies of 9-11 year old Ghanaian adolescents
Julie O’Sullivan Maillet Research Grant
Funded by Julie O’Sullivan Maillet, PhD, RD, FADA, FAND
- Recipient: Amy Rose Mahar, PhD, RDN
Proposal Title: Cannabis Exposure and Diet and Cardiovascular Outcomes
McCormick Science Institute Research Grant
Funded by the McCormick Science Institute
- Recipient: Mary C. Pickler, MS, RD, LD
Proposal Title: The Impact of Acute Parsley Consumption on Blood Pressure and Markers of Nitric Oxide Production in Hypertensive Males
Molly Kellogg Grant for Advancement in Nutrition Counseling
Funded by the Molly Kellogg, RD, LCSW
- Recipient: Dagny Larson, MS, RD, LD
Proposal Title: Developing Technology to Optimally Support Dietitians in Providing Individualized, Evidence-Based Outpatient Nutrition Counseling